Thursday, July 4, 2024

He's Waiting for You

Consume His word.  Eat it, digest it.  Whatever you have to do to get it in you, do that.  It is life.  It is everything.  It will encourage you, teach you, give you wisdom, convict you, but most importantly…. It will show you what an amazing, gracious, merciful Father you serve.  He's a good, good Father.  The great I AM.  

You grow in intimacy when you spend time in His word, letting it sink deep into your soul.  When you read it, ask Holy Spirit to reveal the truths hidden there.  Don't allow past experiences where people have misused His word for their agendas cause you to shy away.  Don't shy away from the old testament because you feel it's harsh.  I used to do that, until God began to show me the WHOLE story of his word.  We cannot take scripture out of context and meaning away from the entire book.  There are consequences for man's sin and choices, but oh friend, throughout is God’s mercy over and over.  Over and over He extends His love, calling us back to Him.  From the beginning He had a plan to restore us and His name is Jesus!  From the beginning Holy Spirit existed as our helper.  His word will reveal all of this to you! 

If your not a reader, listen to it.  If you can't sit with it for long, pick just one scripture each day.  There are so many options out there that make it easier than ever to get His word in you… find what works for you.  There are no excuses and besides, He's waiting for you! 

He's Waiting for You

Consume His word.  Eat it, digest it.  Whatever you have to do to get it in you, do that.  It is life.  It is everything.  It will encourage...